Tuesday, 26 February 2008


ok continuing the theme of 'what is a book' I thought I would make a post on nizky pudl I actually posted about the site a couple of months ago. But I will highlight some of the most relevant work here. To Do Book This is a book that is made up from a large selection of the designers to do list bound together. It is visually very pleasing and I also like the idea of collecting over time a large number of things that you would usually throw away, I think it brings your attention to the interesting aspects of something you would usually pay very little attention to.

Rough Book Again a lovely and very interesting piece of book binding.

Whats on a (Typo)Graphic designers mind Is this a book or a 'folder' either way it is a really nice piece of work.

Monday, 25 February 2008

what is a book?

So I thought id make a post tonight, along with pretty much everyone in the year as well! First i thought i would show you some of Sam Winston's work. He takes the idea of what a book could be pretty much as far as you can without the object loosing all resemblance to a book. The book is no longer a functional object but has become a beautiful art piece. I also really like the idea of actually cutting out typography I think the resulting delicate objects are not only beautiful but intreeging. I basically really love his work and his amazing use of typography! over and out. more updates to follow.