Wednesday, 10 June 2009

PPD Evaluation

I have found the PPD module this year really useful. Jane was really helpful in terms of getting a placement and gave me lots of good advice and confidence to go and approach companies and be quite forward and direct about asking for a placement. As a result I got a placement relatively quickly and easily over Easter and was able to concentrate on other things.

I think getting a placement and talking to a few people in the industry really gave me confidence to approach other companies about doing design work for them or other more peripheral jobs related to design. As a result as well as the 2 placements I have in London in July I've also secured a few days a week at a design practice in York in August and September and I managed to get paid work over the summer at place called Get Cycling as their in house designer. I have done a few photography jobs for them as well, which is really exciting and great experience.

Doing the presentation was a chance to reflect on the year. I feel that I enjoyed the second year more than the first year and I kind of found my position as a designer, in terms of what I like to do and what I'm good at. When I came to actually sit down to work on the presentation I realised I knew exactly what I wanted to say and I think I covered all the points well in the time I had to say it. The only thing I would have done differently would have been to give myself a bit more time to make the slides look a bit more polished.

I still have some more work I want to do over summer, working up some of my favourite pieces from second year for killer portfolio pieces, but overall I am really happy with how second year went and feel like I learnt a lot from it. I intend to keep my head in the graphic design world over summer as I can honestly say I have a real passion for it now, I find myself looking at all sorts of design/type blogs and thinking about what I can do next. I'm looking forward to hitting the ground running in the third year with a hardworking but relaxed attitude and doing some work that I am really excited about.

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